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Wellness Gardens to blossom at Cemetery

Posted on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 12:45 PM

Applications now open for free gardening plots as part of Community Wellness Program

Fresh air and the promise of homegrown produce can do a lot for one’s wellbeing, especially during these isolating times.

This week, the community garden plots at St. Marys Cemetery are being resurrected as part of the municipal response to COVID-19. Collectively called the “Wellness Gardens”, the 20 plots are available via a first-come, first-served application process. This year, there is no charge for the plots...

Town reminding residents to shop local in St. Marys

Posted on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 10:15 AM

Without a doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted St. Marys in many ways. Summer is usually bustling with tourists visiting our shops, restaurants and amenities but this year is beginning to look very different.  

Many of our local businesses and services had to shut their doors while others have shifted to new ways of doing business. Many have been working long hours behind the scenes to manage this different way of...

St. Marys Public Library exploring curbside pick-up and delivery options

Posted on Friday, May 15, 2020 05:15 PM

As of Tuesday, May 19, 2020, the Province of Ontario is allowing public libraries to offer delivery and pick-up services to patrons. The announcement was made on Thursday, May 14, 2020 as part of the government’s COVID-19 re-opening plan.

The St. Marys Public Library is currently considering how it can safely proceed with pick-up and delivery services, while also following the recommendations of Huron Perth Public Health. As a result, these services will not be available as of the May 19 date proposed...


Town and hospital receive generous protective equipment donations

Posted on Friday, May 15, 2020 01:00 PM

Masks, suits and goggles donated by two families with connections to Canadian care

The Town of St. Marys and the St. Marys Memorial Hospital are happily sharing three donations of personal protective equipment (PPE), donated last week by two families with connections to Canada.

“We are very grateful for these donations,” Mayor Al Strathdee says. “PPE remains very difficult to get and we don’t have much inventory,” he says of municipal supplies.

Isolation suits were presented to Mayor Al Strathdee by...

Home Support Services receives funding to expand Meals on Wheels program

Posted on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 07:15 AM

Town of St. Marys Home Support Services has been given a funding boost. The program received $3,600 from the Province’s Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility as part of its efforts to coordinate the subsidized delivery of meals, medicines and other necessities to seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic. TD Bank also generously donated $300 to the program.

The funds are being used to expand the Town’s Meals on Wheels program to ensure it can continue to support vulnerable seniors and meet an expected...