Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan for City of Stratford, Town of St. Marys and Perth County

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Stratford, St. Marys, North Perth, West Perth, Perth East and Perth South are looking to their residents for input as they collaboratively develop a Community Safety and Wellbeing (CSWB) Plan. All municipalities in Ontario are required, under the Province's Safer Ontario Act, 2018, to develop a CSWB Plan by 2021.

The goal of the CSWB Plan is to achieve the ideal state of a sustainable community where everyone is safe, has a sense of belonging, access to services and where individuals and families are able to meet their needs for education, health care, food, housing, income, and social and cultural expression. The six partner municipalities hope to engage residents during this stage of the development process.

Informed through consultation, the Plan will focus on ways community members, government, local agencies and stakeholders can work together to sustain and improve the overall quality of life of residents in the City of Stratford, Town of St. Marys and Perth County.

The general public is being asked to participate by sharing their perspectives and experiences regarding community safety and wellbeing through an online survey which can be found at:

To participate in the survey by telephone or to receive a hard copy of the survey, call 519-271-3773 ext. 6231 or email

The CSWB Plan survey is being launched on July 30th, 2020 and will remain open until September 11th, 2020.

If you have questions about this initiative or would like more information, please reach out to Kim McElroy at or by phone at 519-271-3773 Ext. 6252.