Captain Dale Robinson standing in door of a fire truck

Reflecting on a great career: Captain Dale Robinson

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Captain Dale Robinson retires from the St. Marys Fire Department  

Captain Dale Robinson has retired after serving on the St. Marys Fire Department for 32 years. The retirement was effective January 3, 2022.

Robinson began his career with the St. Marys Fire Department as a firefighter in January 1990.  He was promoted to Fire Captain in June of 2012. Robinson was a dedicated firefighter who could be counted on to respond to any incident he could, day or night.

“Robinson’s involvement over the years has been very in-depth,” says Fire Chief Richard “Andy” Anderson. “During his time here, he was integral in all of the operations of the department, from emergency response to training. For us to lose Robinson certainly leaves us with a void, as he has always been a wonderful mentor for younger members to look up to and learn from. We will certainly notice that gap. Somebody else will have some pretty big shoes to fill.”

Robinson fondly remembers how fire services have evolved over his years of service. “Thirty-two years has gone by fast. I was voted in as a new member of the St. Marys Volunteer Fire Department in January of 1990. That was the hiring process then, you would submit your name when there was an opening and the firefighters would vote to determine who joined. This process has evolved over the years and now includes pre-requisites, hiring panels and testing.”

“I've seen many changes over the years. In the early 1990's, responding to a call would have included donning knee-high rubber boots and a long canvas trench coat. We had heavy steel air cylinders that we wore with our breathing apparatus, and there wasn't even enough for everyone. Over-time, thanks to donations from service clubs, and local residents and businesses, we have been able to stay up-to-date with the latest protective gear and equipment.”

“I've had a lot of mentors; some of whom have passed on and some who have retired, but one who has remained a mentor all these years is our Deputy Fire Chief, Brent Dundas. I thank all those men for bringing me into this brotherhood. The relationships built and memories made with firefighters is what I will miss. I've always had comfort in knowing that we would always have each other’s backs, whether it be on the fire ground or in every-day life. The only thing I won’t miss is getting woken up in the middle of the night (along with the entire household) to a loud pager sounding off, cleaning the snow off the vehicle, arriving at the fire scene, spraying cold water and then dealing with everything being frozen.”

“It will be a little sad to be leaving the Department, but I am ready. Like all former volunteer firefighters, we have seen a lot and done a lot, but are very proud to have served.”

Fire Chief Richard “Andy” Anderson said, “On behalf of the Fire Department, I would like to congratulate Dale on his retirement. Thank you for your dedication to the department, and the community. Enjoy your retirement, you have earned it!”

Town officials, the public and members of the St. Marys Fire Department plan to show their appreciation for all his years of contribution with an official ceremony, which will be planned when COVID-19 protocols allow them to do so.

For more information on the St. Marys Fire Department, visit their website at


For media inquiries:
Beverly Brenneman, Corporate Communications Manager
519-284-2340, ext. 432 |