Sarah Andrews

St. Marys Public Library hires new CEO

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Sarah Andrews to start in new role on July 6, 2020

The St. Marys Public Library has a new Chief Executive Officer. On Wednesday, June 17, 2020 the Library Board announced the hiring of Sarah Andrews as CEO of Library Services. Andrews’ new role with the Library will commence on Monday, July 6, 2020.

Andrews is currently a Public Service Coordinator, Adult Services for the London Public Library.  She holds two masters degrees from Western University, first obtaining her Master of Library and Information Science then going on to earn a Master in Public Administration. She brings with her over 20 years of library and municipal experience. 

“I am thrilled to be joining the St. Marys Public Library staff and I look forward to meeting everyone and getting to know the community” said Andrews “St. Marys is a special place and I look forward to making my contribution to its success”.

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Brett O’Reilly | Corporate Communications and Events Manager
519-284-2340, ext. 432 |