Town hosting Municipal Hazardous and Special Product Event on April 5

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The Town of St. Marys is hosting its next Municipal Hazardous and Special Product Disposal Day on Saturday, April 5, 2025.  

The event will run from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Municipal Operations Centre (MOC) located at 408 James St. S (enter off South Service Road). It is open to residents of St. Marys and Perth South.  

Items that will be accepted at the disposal event include: 

  • Acids, aerosol cans, antifreeze 

  • Bases, batteries, bleach 

  • Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs), fluorescent tubes 

  • Fertilizers, fuels, garden and pool chemicals 

  • Household cleaners, motor oil, paints, pesticides 

  • Propane tanks/cylinders, solvents, stains, Varsol 

All materials must be sealed and in their original containers with labels. Materials should be transported in the rear of vehicles (trunk, truck bed, etc.), and contained in rigid containers for safe transport and unloading. Vehicles with materials in the back or front seat will be re-directed to a separate area of the parking lot where they can be moved to the trunk or tailgate. Residents are asked to remain in their vehicles at all times as materials will be unloaded by trained staff. 

Please note that the MHSW depot that was located at the St. Marys Landfill has now been closed, and MHSW material will no longer be received at the landfill. 

For more information about waste disposal services in St. Marys, visit 

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Thomas Redman | Public Works Coordinator 
519-284-2340, ext. 213 |