From left, Rick Culbert, Robert Linton (with miniature schnauzer Eli), and Mayor Al Strathdee (with his cockapoo Patsy) demonstrate that no one is above cleaning up after their dogs.

Town receives generous sponsorship for EcoDog Box program

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EcoDog Boxes throughout St. Marys will once again be filled with waste bags, thanks to a generous donation by Veterinary Purchasing.  Nine dispensers located throughout the town in public areas will be stocked with approximately 60,000 waste bags throughout the season.

“We are proud to continue to support this initiative,” says Rick Culbert, Chief Executive Officer of Veterinary Purchasing. “Providing these EcoDog boxes helps to preserve our beautiful town for all; even when nature comes calling for the dogs and catches the dog owner unprepared.”

Veterinary Purchasing has sponsored the EcoDog Box program for 33 years, along with the help of Robert Linton, a retired Veterinarian and originator of the program.

“Cleaning up after your pet in public spaces means an enjoyable experience for everyone.” Says Robert, “No matter how prepared you are, sometimes you unexpectedly find yourself out of bags. We’re happy to support the Town’s by-law that requires you to remove your pet’s messes.”  

Dog owners are encouraged to supply their own bags, however the EcoDog Boxes are available for those times when residents find themselves in need. For more information on animal by-laws visit the Town website (

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Beverly Brenneman | Corporate Communications Manager
519-284-2340, ext. 432 |