Town reminding residents of rules about setting off fireworks

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With Victoria Day weekend on the horizon, the Town of St. Marys is reminding residents of the rules around fireworks.

In St. Marys, the sale and use of consumer fireworks is governed by By-law 57-2021, which states:

  • Consumer fireworks can be set off on Victoria Day, Canada Day and for two days before and after each
  • Consumer fireworks can be sold and purchased for 10 days prior to Victoria Day and Canada Day
  • Consumer fireworks can only be set off between dusk and 11:00 p.m. on these days
  • Consumer fireworks can be set off on private property only; do not set fireworks off in a building, vehicle, roadway, park, or other public place

A full version of the by-law is available on our website:

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Stacey Frayne | Marketing and Communications Specialist
519-284-2340, ext. 218 |