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The following resources are available for your use (accessible versions are available upon request). Prior to making an application, proponents are required to pre-consult with Town Planning staff to discuss the proposal and assist in streamlining the process.
The Town of St. Marys Zoning By-law implements the objectives and policies of the Official Plan and provides the required minimum provisions within each zone category. The Zoning By-law regulates the use of land and the character, erection, location and use of buildings and structures and to prohibit certain buildings, structures and uses in various defined areas of the Corporation of the Town of St. Marys.
The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority has jurisdiction over lands within the Town of St. Marys identified as being located in the UTRCA Regulation Limit; sit within the Flood Fringe Constraint overlay in the Town's Official Plan; or are located within the Flood Plain Zone and the Special Policy Constraint Zone in the Town's Zoning By-law Z1-1997, as amended. UTRCA staff is available to discuss any questions at 519-451-2800.