Contact Us
Friendship Centre
317 James Street South, St. Marys, Ontario, N4X 1B6
T. 519-284-3272
F. 519-284-0261
Email the Friendship Centre
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Are you age fifty or older? We've designed our Fitness and Falls Prevention Exercise Classes to progressively enhance your physical ability in six key areas:
Our Certified Fitness Instructors will show you how to alter the intensity of your workout to suit your abilities. Each class uses a variety of equipment.
You don't need to have a Friendship Centre membership to take advantage of our Fitness and Falls Prevention Exercise Classes. Thanks to funding from Ontario Health, they are completely free of charge!
Download the full Fitness and Falls Prevention Group Exercise Calendar (Accessible version available upon request.)
Call 519-284-3272 Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 pm.
After you sign-up online or over the phone, the Huron Perth Community Services Coordinator will call you to complete the registration process.
Register for a class at the Friendship Centre by visiting the front desk between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Please do the following:
There is risk with exercising - Please check with your doctor before enrolling in one of our classes.
Please bring a filled water bottled and wear supportive running shoes.